Feb 12, 2012

When buying a home use an a/c contractor to inspect the hvac system

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Here is why: Most home inspection services only look at the HVAC system. They will write down the model numbers and serial numbers and run the system. They will check the return temperature while it's running and the supply air temperature and tell you what the difference is in the temperature. They will only notice obvious signs. An a/c contractor should take a static pressure reading, this will tell them about the duct work ie: too small of a return air and supply air duct issues.

Most a/c contractors will know how old the HVAC system is, how well it has been maintained, and the quality of the work of the manufacturer of the equipment. They will check it for freon leaks and this is done with a freon leak detector, not freon guages. They will be able to tell what parts have been replaced. They will look to see if the breakers in the electrical panel matches the name plates over the current protective device. This Is A Must! With so much of the equipment being installed today, not to code and the high cost of replacement in this economy, don’t forget that most of the a/c contractor's work comes from home owners and not from realtors, unlike what home inspectors have to rely on. Note: If you choose to use a home inspector try to find out what they did before the became a home inspector.
Also, have the system cleaned and sanitized before you move in.
Hope this helps!